First Audio Experience

I am an avid audio listener. With my job, nights, wandering the place I work. I listen or read. (Now write) So I stalk my favorite narrators, and this last year with covid have found they record live in discord.

Steve’s Campbell’s Corner

Listening in live has been a fantastic experience. To get the inside look at their lives, their work.

But while listening, I’ve been talking about me and my books. And I had the wonderful opportunity of being asked if I’d like to turn my book into audio.

I admit I was worried; I had no idea how things worked.

Totally wonderful experience working with Steve Campbell through book 1, and 2.

I don’t think I have words for how much he puts into character and development. How much he gets into the skin of those he represents. Honored and ecstatic to have been there for all of it. To see the mistakes, the love, the fun.

I can’t wait for these to come out!

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