
The hardest thing to write.

The most important to get right.

Working blurb, of course – it may well change yet. (At does. A lot)

The Bright Lord –

A home, a family. Lies and hatred. A past worth saving.

Enjoying his retirement with fervour. Ryan has everything. The perfect wife, a daughter he adores and time for anything else he loves. With dinner burning on the stove and his wife late home from work, two visitors appear with dire news and a quest he can’t refuse.

Dragged back to a universe and a life Ryan did everything to escape, he must secretly hunt out survivors and friends all while training for the fight of his life.

Where brutality and pain were all Ryan ever knew, now he must inspire and heal. The collision of two worlds draws ever closer and if he can’t claim what was once his. All is lost.

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